Bring Your Own File at CBK Zuidoost - SHEBANG

LI-MA invites emerging media artists to share their work at SHEBANG.

23 October 2024 19:30 - 22:00
SHEBANG, Hettenheuvelweg 8, 1101 BN Amsterdam

On 23 October, LI-MA and the CBK Zuidoost invite emerging media artists, selected through our BYOF open call, to showcase fresh software-based art addressing critical themes.

Following the screening of new works from the LI-MA collection at LAB111, join us for an exciting BYOF (Bring Your Own File) session. With Bring Your Own File, we build on the concept of Bring Your Own Beamer (the inclusive ‘open source exhibition concept’ conceived by artist Rafaël Rozendaal) by inviting participants to showcase all types of software-based art.

Using the resources and network at our disposal, our aim is to nurture and amplify the work of young artists. LI-MA received many exciting submissions from emerging artists, and we look forward to showcasing these works. On 23 October, a public presentation programme will take place at SHEBANG, in collaboration with CBK Zuidoost, during which audiences can experience exciting media art from fresh new artists. The selected artists will also discuss their work and receive valuable feedback.

For over 30 years, CBK Zuidoost has been the place for contemporary visual arts from an intercultural, inclusive perspective. The CBK brings a broad audience into contact with contemporary art at various locations in Amsterdam Zuidoost with exhibitions, art library, education, workshops and events. Their mission is to make representational visual arts accessible to everyone. SHEBANG is a nomadic development place of Bijlmer Parktheater, CBK Zuidoost and Imagine IC, aimed at creative makers and thinkers. 


Programme details

Rustan Söderling, On Location, NL, 2024, 19’24”

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On Location unfolds as a dioramic stage play, tracing the history of a place known only as "The Site" in reverse through imagined historical eras. At its core is a lecture by "The Society," a group obsessed with documenting every detail of the site. While its true significance remains unclear, the speaker's reverence suggests a near-sacred importance. As the lecture nears the present, glimpses behind the scenes expose the performance's artificiality, prompting viewers to question the boundaries between reality and fiction. The film explores the impossibility of fully understanding the past, playfully examining how history is constructed, controlled, and constantly rewritten.

Rustan Söderling (he/him) is an artist from Gothenburg (SE) based in Amsterdam (NL) whose work focuses primarily on moving-image and animation. He studied at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie (Amsterdam) and completed a two-year residency at De Ateliers (Amsterdam). His current preoccupations involve the mutability of history, the spread of misinformation and the contemporary climate crisis.

Wouter Hisschemöller, Weesperplein, NL, 2024, 4’15”

Weesperplein_Wouter Hisschemöller

Weesperplein is an animation that uses object recognition software to capture the bustling activity at the Weesperplein intersection in Amsterdam. Utilising Tensorflow with the COCO-SSD dataset, the software identifies and frames objects, such as cyclists and traffic, separating them into independent video clips. These clips are set within a 3D reconstruction of the square, where missing parts are hand-drawn to complete the environment. The animation follows 42 seconds of dynamic street life, focusing on key moments, like a red truck or a tram passing, while the music mimics the rhythmic flow of traffic and the tram schedule.

Wouter Hisschemöller (he/him) is a front-end developer with a background in graphic design and drawing from HKU art academy. His animations, blending video, drawings, 3D models, and music, often depict his surroundings in Amsterdam or places he’s visited. These looping visuals align with his techno-inspired electronic compositions.

Darya.G, Recording 2: Lady Of Heaven, NL, 2024, 9’16”

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Recording 2: Lady Of Heaven is a journey through the skies on a flying carpet with a grandmother who has just been released from a concentration camp in Xinjiang, China. As they soar, the carpet transforms into a tapestry of Sumerian myths, dreams, and fragmented memories, intertwining the past with the present of maternal history in Turkestan. It is a project derived from Dahrya’s ongoing artistic research "Seeking for Mothers in mother-tongue", where she explores motherly figures in Turkestan's history and myths through carpet weaving, examining how the stories are told and passed on in different forms without being erased.

Dahrya G. (she/her) is a filmmaker and visual artist in exile. In her works, she utilises the carpet as a reflective process, weaving symbolism, myth, and family history to activate the healing power of the ‘divine feminine’ and explore themes of oppression.

Feline Hjermind, If you begin to feel the house catching at you, NL, 2024, 17’36

Screenshot Landscape - If you begin to feel.jpeg

We typically view domestic spaces as designed for our habitation, but what happens when these settings take on moody, central roles, blurring the line between self and environment? In the animated video installation If You Begin to Feel the House Catching at You, the wooden cabins of a small settlement become the main characters. Four screens present seemingly idyllic scenes of these cabins, which gradually shift into subtle horror. The video blends reality with desolate drawings, flickering traces, and ornamental strokes. As viewers peer over fences and through windows, the unsettling question arises: who is watching whom?

Feline Hjermind (she/her) is a crafter of moving images, engaged in shaping a unique visual language, an audiovisual handwriting. Maintaining a frivolous yet critical approach to popular image culture, Hjermind develops ways of animating: bringing life and character to static images and rigid concepts.

Aylin Kuryel & Raşel Meseri, Şehir ve Mesih / THE CITY AND THE MESSIAH, NL, 2024, 35’


THE CITY AND THE MESSIAH is an essay-film that revolves around Sabbatai Zevi, a Jewish rabbi who declared himself the messiah in the 17th century in Izmir and gained followers from Izmir to Jerusalem, Amsterdam to Cairo. We embark on a journey around the recently restored house where Zevi was born in the Agora district of Izmir. The memories triggered around this figure provide insights into what is omitted from official history, the urban legends circulating in the city, and the region’s past.

Aylin Kuryel (she/her) is an Assistant Professor in Literary and Cultural Analysis at the University of Amsterdam. Her research focuses on nationalism, image politics, aesthetics of resistance, and the politics of emotions. In addition to her academic work, Kuryel is an artist and documentary filmmaker.

Raşel Meseri (she/her) is a writer and filmmaker based in Izmir, Turkey. She has published children’s books and three novels, with a focus on the cultural heritage of Jewish communities. She also works in theatre and painting, and creates documentaries and short films.

LI-MA Presents: New Art on Screen - Bring Your Own File at CBK Zuidoost - Location: SHEBANG is part of the public programme of the exhibition Sharelly Emanuelson - Between a Dance & Sitting in a Chair.

LI-MA Presents: New Art on Screen and LI-MA Presents: New Art on Screen - Bring Your Own File are supported by Fonds21 and Cultuurfonds, and presented in partnership with CBK Zuidoost, Greylight Projects, Media Art Friesland, 171, and The Grey Space in the Middle.

This event is additionally supported by the Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst (AFK).


Header image: LI-MA Presents: Switching Code and Clothes, 2023. Still: Wu Tsang, Into a Space of Love. Courtesy the artist and Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi, Berlin. Photo: Pieter Kers

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